At the launch of the engagement platform of the Global Initiative on Decent Jobs for Youth, International Trade Centre (ITC) made a commitment towards supporting youth employment and entrepreneurship through the Gambia Youth Empowerment Project (YEP).
The Global Initiative on Decent Jobs for Youth is the overarching platform under the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development to scale up action and impact on youth employment. The partners of the initiative include UN entities, governments, social partners, businesses, donors, foundations, academic institutions and youth groups.
ITC’s Deputy Executive Director Ms. Dorothy Tembo commented in her statement at the launch event that ITC is keen to enhance joint action and collaboration to boost entrepreneurship and self-employment opportunities for youth, while strongly contributing to all other priority areas, from digital skills to quality apprenticeships and decent jobs for youth in rural economy.
Ms. Tembo elaborated that ITC’s work in The Gambia to address the economic root causes of irregular migration among youth exemplifies the implementation of the guiding principles of the Global Initiative. It seeks to positively impact both quantity and quality of jobs for youth, it prioritizes gender equality and fosters interventions that combine supply and demand side measures to address the many barriers young people face in the labour market.
Please see here for more information on the YEP commitment to the Global Initiative on Decent Jobs for Youth:
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View count: 140647Gambia Youth Employment Forum shines spotlight on job creation and entrepreneurship
First Youth Employment Forum explores job creation and skills-building opportunities.
Posted 7 years ago