The Job Skills and Finance Program through the SKYE model is offering TVET scholarships to One Hundred and Fifty (150) youth and women in the program target regions, LRR, CRR and NBR. The SkYE Fund is a results-based competitive funding model that ensures the critical importance of training youth to meet existing job needs, or in the case of self-employment, successfully meet market opportunities
Under the scheme Three (3) programs will be offered targeting youth and women not in jobs or education or young people interested in upskilling. The programs will be delivered in partnership with the Gambia Horticulture Enterprise and with the support and supervision of MOHERST and NAQAA.
The International Trade Centre (ITC) and the UN Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) are jointly implementing the project “Jobs, Skills and Finance (JSF) for Women and Youth in The Gambia Programme through the funding of the European Union (EU) and aim to contribute in stabilizing the economic, social and security situation of the country during the democratic transition by facilitating social inclusion and employment of the youth and women, with a specific emphasis on promoting gender equality and addressing climate change.
Download the attached file for all the available programs and the respective institutions. To apply, check our opportunities tab for the program-specific updates or contact the focal person for the specific program you are interested in on the attached file for guidance.