SustainabilityXchange is an easy-to-use, free and interactive platform designed to pool knowledge, provide information, and share experiences among practitioners in the field of socially responsible, inclusive and environmentally friendly – and therefore sustainable – agricultural production and trade. It represents a space that helps actors in global agricultural value chains navigate and mainstream sustainability into their operations, through services focused on improving their performance with regard to organizational capacity, ability to manage social, environmental and product quality and complying with sustainability standards.
User Community
SustainabilityXchange is designed around five services catering to sustainability practitioners within global value chains, working predominantly in the fields of agriculture, aquaculture and forestry.
Local providers of training, information and business development services to agribusinesses and producers involved in sustainable trade are the primary beneficiaries of the platform: if you are a trainer, a consultant, or a trade promotion institution, SustainabilityXchange is here for you to not only get an easy access to all relevant information one click away, but also to actively promote your expertise.
Are you a policy maker, a policy influencer, or simply a sustainability enthusiast? SustainabilityXchange is an effective tool for you to interact and engage in dialogue with other stakeholders in sustainable agribusiness, search for the latest and most relevant information, and much more.
Are you looking into applying one of the existing sustainability standards to your (agri)business? Use SustainabilityXchange as a hub for seeking information, support and expertise.